Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Response to Chapter 1 Readings...

I found that the readings were a bit much. It took me a long time to read everything and therefore I became very distracted and had to continue getting up and doing something so I could focus when I was reading. It was worth it though to gain the overview knowledge of computers in education and the history of computers that I did. I learned about the elements of technology that are from the 21st century and should be apart of your classroom. I agree with this because it can be a big motivation tool for students. It blew my mind to see the numbers rise in the use of computers. We have become a world of technology! The article about evolutionary literacy was interesting to see how far we have come. Even in the stones, speech, and writing times you can see how intelligent humans were. I can't imagine what it will be like 50 years from now. The CROP levels of problem solving made a lot of sense to me. I could see myself using that. In order to analyse the Palm, Netbook, and Touch Tablet, I liked the 2 column embedded view the best. It's easiet to compare. It made me want to try the different ones out though!

1 comment:

  1. "Even in the stones, speech, and writing times you can see how intelligent humans were." We are an extraordinary species, but lest our egos get the best of us, there were many branches that became extinct because they did not evolve fast enough to meet the challenges of their times. Our challenges our huge. Fifty years is too far for me, but I do like think about where education will have gone towards the end of your career some 30+ years from now. It would be science fiction for us today.
